In Python, every value has a data type. There are various data types and in this thread we will discuss some of the important ones.
Python Numbers
Numbers are three types
- Integers
- floating point numbers
complex numbers
# integer age = 30 # float interest_rate = 10.99 # complex numbers point = 10 + 20j
Python list is ordered sequence of items. We can store more than one item of different types in a list. Items in the list are accessed using index.
# create a list of 3 items student = ['Afiz', 'Hyderabad', 5600032] # accessing items using index. Index starts with 0 print(student[0]) # output -> Afiz print(student[1]) # output -> Hyderabad # Adding more items to list student.append('India') print(student) # output: ['Afiz', 'Hyderabad', 5600032, India] # Update list item student[1] = 'Kadapa'
Tuple is ordered sequence of items same as list. The difference is that tuples are immutable and list is mutable.
# tuple is created using () ip_address = ('', '', '') # access the first item print(ip_address[0]) # output -> # updating is allowed ❌ # adding new itesm not allowed ❌
Set is an unordered collection of unique items, which means duplicates are not allowed. Set is defined using
and items inset
are separated by commas.set
items are not ordered# define set prime_numbers = {2,3,5,7,11} # We can't access set items using index as it is unordered # However, pop method can used to pop the items. print(prime_numbers.pop()) # output -> 2 print(prime_numbers.pop()) # output -> 3 # Add items to set prime_numbers.add(13) print(prime_numbers) # {5, 7, 11, 13}
Set items can’t be accessed using index as they are unordered.
print(prime_numbers[1]) # output 👇 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-7-13b8bce338c4> in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 prime_numbers[1] TypeError: 'set' object is not subscriptable
Dictionary is an unordered collection of
pairs. Dictionary is defined using {} and each item being a pair of key and value. Example 👇# define a dictionary called student with name and city as items student = {'name': 'Afiz', 'city': 'Banglore'} # accesing items: key is used to access items print(student['name']) # 'Afiz' # Adding a new item student['country'] = 'India' # if the country already exists,it will updated with new value 👇 student['city'] = 'Hyderabad' print(student) # {'name': 'Afiz', 'city': 'Hyderabad', 'country': 'India'}
String is a sequence of characters. In Python single, double, and triple quotes are used to define strings. Example 👇
# defining strings sentence = 'Hello World!' sentence_1 = "Hello World!" sentence_2 = '''Hello World1''' # There is difference between single, double and triple quote strings. # single quotes comes handy when you want to have double quotes in the string. # like wise for double and single new_sentence = 'That is a "GREAT" news' new_sentence_1 = "That's a great news" # Triple quotes are used to define multi line strings. big_sentence = ''' This is going to be multi line string second line of the string'''